Abies concolor (Gordon) Lindl. ex Hildebr.100 153 Observations

Abies concolor Leaf
Abies concolor Fruit
Abies concolor Bark
Abies concolor Habit
Abies concolor Other
Abies concolor (Gordon) Lindl. ex Hildebr.
Tumbuhan yang berguna
Abies concolor (Gordon) Lindl. ex Hildebr.
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Trend populasi: Mantap

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Geolocated (public data) 12

Abies concolor Leaf
Abies concolor Leaf
Abies concolor Leaf
Abies concolor Leaf
Abies concolor Leaf
Abies concolor Leaf
Abies concolor Leaf
Abies concolor Leaf
Abies concolor Leaf
Abies concolor Leaf
Abies concolor Leaf
Abies concolor Leaf

Geolocated (private data) 29

Abies concolor Leaf
Abies concolor Leaf
Abies concolor Leaf
Abies concolor Leaf
Abies concolor Leaf
Abies concolor Leaf
Abies concolor Leaf
Abies concolor Leaf
Abies concolor Leaf
Abies concolor Leaf
Abies concolor Leaf
Abies concolor Leaf
Abies concolor Leaf
Abies concolor Leaf
Abies concolor Leaf
Abies concolor Leaf
Abies concolor Leaf
Abies concolor Leaf
Abies concolor Leaf
Abies concolor Leaf
Abies concolor Leaf
Abies concolor Leaf
Abies concolor Leaf
Abies concolor Leaf
Abies concolor Leaf
Abies concolor Leaf
Abies concolor Leaf
Abies concolor Leaf
Abies concolor Leaf

Not geolocated 24

Abies concolor Leaf
Abies concolor Leaf
Abies concolor Leaf
Abies concolor Leaf
Abies concolor Leaf
Abies concolor Leaf
Abies concolor Leaf
Abies concolor Leaf
Abies concolor Leaf
Abies concolor Leaf
Abies concolor Leaf
Abies concolor Leaf
Abies concolor Leaf
Abies concolor Leaf
Abies concolor Leaf
Abies concolor Leaf
Abies concolor Leaf
Abies concolor Leaf
Abies concolor Leaf
Abies concolor Leaf
Abies concolor Leaf
Abies concolor Leaf
Abies concolor Leaf
Abies concolor Leaf